About Us

What began as an interest in forestry during farming years has grown into a business with a reputation for supplying a quality product along with a service that is second to none.

In the late sixties, John Apperley built and ran a sawmill on his dairy farm at Honikiwi, milling logs for neighbouring farmers.
After putting a sharemilker onto the farm he then progressed to the silviculture scene, planting and pruning in the Waikato/King Country Region including one of the first plantings at Pureora Forest for the now defunct NZ Forest Service.
In 1975 he ventured into the timber treating and roundwood production area setting up a treatment plant and post peeling operation on a small block of land on the outskirts of Otorohanga under the banner of Farm Forest Services Limited, the name being retained from his silviculture business.

As time progressed so did the business and in in the early nineties his sons became partners taking over the day to running of the business.

Peter and Graham now operate Apperleys Timber & Landscape Supplies to service the needs of those in the Northern King Country and beyond who require landscape timbers and slabs, fencing timbers or custom timbers..

Our Mission

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